Community Resilience

Through Climate Workshops and individual climate education seminars, we work toward a collaborative community working toward county-wide climate resilience.

Climate Resilience Workshop

The Clearing, February 2025

A 2-day workshop of ideas, learning, discussion, and collaboration for the future. The workshop brought together smart and diverse problem solvers from different expertise areas – scientists and researchers, conservationists, artists, farmers, engineers, land managers, writers, emergency planners, and community action leaders – to learn and provide impact to community level climate action planning.

Workshop Summary

Input from workshop participants resulted in 6 significant, high-priority climate risk areas. Working toward better understanding and better climate planning, the participants discussed the major risk areas and their corresponding positive and negative climate impacts.

Participants focused on the different  high-priority risk areas, prioritized the potential negative impacts, and began to identify the highest impact climate resilience actions  we can begin, now, with stronger county-level and community-driven action. See below a table of climate RISKS, IMPACTS, and ACTIONS, resulting from the two days of discussion and collaboration, representing the beginning of a wider discussion and action plan for county-level climate resilience action.

Please see this Summary & Links Doc for a summary of our workshop progress and agreed-upon key community resilience actions, along with additional resources we discussed. 

Thank you very much, Team, for dedicating your time and energy to make the climate resilience planning productive.

Moving Forward

As of February 2025, we have developed our Resilience Working Group, are working with our Door County government partners, are detailing the work we need to do, and we are pursuing funding for the work

Please let us know if you’d like to join our Resilience Working Group – we’d love to have you! Please call or email any time with questions or suggestions.

Climate ACTION Workshop

The Clearing, January 2024

Together, we met and

1. Discussed Project Drawdown’s prioritized climate mitigation actions, individually and collectively

2. Discussed and agreed upon our Door County prioritized actions

3. Agreed upon and formed new Climate Change Coalition working groups, focusing on (1) climate communications, (2) community solar, (3) community compost, and (4) reforestation.

Climate Resilience Workshop

The Clearing, January 2023

In summary:

(1) We discussed Door County’s weather predictions of becoming “warmer, wetter, wilder”

(2) We discussed Monroe County’s Climate Readiness & Economic Opportunity work, with Fred Clark of Greenfire.

(3) We agreed on prioritized actions to develop community level climate solutions

Thank you for the support!